So I'd rather to stay in the low class, or even negative class so you can be in the middle class. 所以我宁愿呆在低的那个阶级,甚至负阶级,好让你们当中产阶级。
The insurance marketing is a creation that accompanies with the insurance merchandise but appear of, experiencing a from arrive complications in brief, from the development process that the low class arrives the high class. 保险营销是伴随着保险商品的产生而出现的,经历了一个由简单到复杂,由低级到高级的发展过程。
We do not deal in low class silver jewels. 我们不经营低档的银饰。
I am a low class fan, don't understand to fight the skill military tactics, is to enter the ball happy that kind of. 我是个低级球迷,不懂战技战术,是进球就乐的那种。
It is for this reason to save the space, and make the procedure the construction good, and contain high class language with the function of language low class; 因此可以节省存储空间,使程序结构性好,易于调试,而且兼有高级语言和低级语言的功能;
A bunch of low class shows that offer nothing positive. 无素质阶层在那儿表演,没有一点儿积极效应。
Based on the push-and-pull theory, this paper analyzes the factors that influence the final realization of the mid and low class's flexible employment. 本文运用推拉理论对影响中低层灵活就业群体最终实现就业的因素进行分析。
It was said that once a well-bred girl who lived on this road fell in love with a low class cattle herder. 从前这条路上住着一个高贵的女孩,她爱上了身份卑微的放牧人。
The blood clan of low class uses poisonous or sour sorcery, and takes absorbing blood as for long time rare of the blood clans even the strong black sorcery can also use. 低级的血族使用毒或酸魔法,而长久以来以吸血为生的血族们连强大的黑魔法也可以使用。
You're gonna go ahead to low class, okay. 你会在经济舱,好的。
Then the medium and low class of 3D models met the requirements of the system were set up by the integrative application of texture mapping technique, deleting hiding side and reducing the number of model segments, which lead to reducing the number of polygons of models. 然后对这些模型综合运用纹理映射技术、删除隐藏面、减少模型中段数来减少模型中多边形的数量得到满足系统需求的低档三维模型。本论文中开发了火箭视景仿真系统中的单机演示模块单元。
The paper studies the maximum lengths for natural ventilation in low class highway tunnels which are dependent on traffic volume, car speeds, longitudinal grades of tunnels, types of vehicles, etc. 文章针对车辆为双向行驶的低等级公路隧道,研究无需进行机械通风而仅采用自然通风的隧道最大长度,该长度与交通量、行车速度、隧道纵坡、交通车辆类型等因素有关。
Over-emphasizes the low class competition, still has the disorder phenomenon existing in market seriously. 偏重低级竞争,市场无序现象还比较严重;
The benefit is dropped. Most of the products exported are low class. On contrary, the production of Switzerland is only 3% of the worldwide production, but their export products are of 40%. 目前我国钟表业增速放缓、效益下降,出口多为低档产品,而瑞士年产钟表仅占全球产量的3%,但出口额却占了40%。
Considering individual will of mid and low class as well as the effects of employment environment on the pull-and-push factors, it is important to create better system environment to enhance the pull force of the flexible employment. 但由于个体就业意愿和就业环境因素对推力和拉力效应的制约,必须营造良好的制度环境,增大灵活就业的拉力作用。
However, for the child of low class under the two learning modes, differences are significant on phoneme omit, there are not implicit learning effect. 而两种学习方式下的小班儿童仅在音素省略上有显著差异,并且都没有产生内隐学习效果。
The developing countries in the position of low class in international market, must accept the challenge of green economy, take an effective measure to protect its rights. 在国际市场处于劣势地位的发展中国家必须迎接绿色经济的挑战,采取有效的绿色外贸战略,在保护自身正当权益的同时,使本国发展顺应可持续发展的历史潮流。
Traditional way of lexical teaching is obviously characterized with certain deficiencies, such as uninterestingness, low class participation of language learners, unfirmness of learners 'memory. 基于传统结构主义语言理论之上的传统语言教学法有着其必然的枯燥性、语言学习者课堂参与积极性不高、词汇记忆牢固性差等缺陷。
It can not only describe the low class characters ( such as video and audio characters), but also it can describe the high-class characters ( such as semantic, object and structure characters). 它既能描述低层的听觉和视觉特征,也能描述高层的语义、对象和结构信息等。
When matrix suction is under the relatively low class ( 0~ 200kPa), the above values change more obviously; 在基质吸力相对较小的区域内(0~200kPa),上述数值变化相对更为明显;
The C language not only has the function of the high class language, but also still has the characteristics of the low class language, and can directly control system hardware, such as the show screen. C语言不仅具有高级语言的功能,而且还具有低级语言的特点,它可以直接控制显示屏幕等系统硬件。
At the same time we perfect the network communication function of low class communication protocol. 完善了采用低级通讯协议的通讯网络的功能;
The nursing educational development of the United States has already set up a complete system which the low class rised the high class, and the application type developed the research. 美国的护理教育的发展已构建起一个由低级到高级;从应用型培养到研究型培养的完整体系。
Advanced technology is mastered by foreign countries, while most of factories in our country can only produce low class crystals due to lack of important production parameters. 国外掌握了该项目的高端技术,国内由于缺乏晶体冶炼时重要的环境参数,无法掌握晶体生长机理,低端产品较多。
Frankly speaking, manual workers in low class are facing various obstacles and restrictions in the urban adaptation issues. 低层级的手工劳动者在城市适应问题上面临着各种阻碍和限制。
But at the same time, the development of business community has some of unharmonious state, such as the lack of scientific planning, insufficient outlets and imbalance of regional development, low class of overall community business class. 但同时社区商业的发展也存在一些不和谐的状态,如缺乏科学规划,网点不足且区域发展不平衡,社区商业档次总体不高等。
The name of the Low Class originates from the concern to "the Sixth Generation" directors. 底层电影的命名源于对第六代导演的关注。
At the same time the enterprise itself, marketing means backward, product low class, additional cost is not high, the lack of brand, lack of innovation ability of enterprise, Have become a stumbling block to the development of the textile export enterprises. 同时企业本身,营销手段落后、产品低档次、附加值不高、品牌缺失、企业的创新能力不足等,都成为阻碍纺织出口企业发展的绊脚石。